Peter is a world-class scientist, renowned for his multi-faceted approach to designing and developing effective breeding programs. He has a talent for creating practical innovative solutions that apply to a range of complex issues, whether it be technical, commercial, or political. It is not surprising that his problem-solving capabilities are widely sought around the world.

As AbacusBio Group Managing Director, Peter reports to The Board of AbacusBio and co-ordination of the Management Team. He also continues to play an active role in a very wide range of client projects. Peter takes great pride in developing novel solutions to challenges in livestock and plant breeding programmes.   

With an extensive publication record in the domain of livestock breeding, and with long term client relationships extending over more than 20 years, Peter is highly valued for his experience and leadership in guiding the activities of large, multi-disciplinary and multi-company/institution teams in bringing solutions to livestock and plant breeding challenges. Trait prioritisation along with the economic assessment and optimisation of genetic improvement programs are of particular interest. 

Peter is a strong believer in open but safe dialogue, whereby different views can be shared and understood through constructive conversation. He prides himself on the contribution he has made to many people’s careers both within and outside of AbacusBio. 

Peter leads a full life, with a major commitment to his working career, but finds an escape in family activities, hot yoga, golf and dancing Argentine Tango. 


Projects involved in:

  • New Zealand King Salmon
  • Dairy National Breeding Objectives
  • Genetics advances aquaculture programme
  • Once a Day Milking
  • Genetic Evaluation of Irish Sheep Flock
  • AbacusBio loves Otago Polytechnic
  • Sheep and beef breeding
  • Dairy breeding objectives
  • Improving cow fertility
  • British Texel sheep genetics
  • Role of maternal genetics and genomics in beef breeding
  • Dtreo: The easiest way to build your own genetics database!
  • New selection index for Polish dairy cattle
  • Adding value to bovine genetics