Luna Zhang

Luna Zhang PhD 张馨月 博士

Consultant 顾问

Luna specialises in building mathematically-driven models, conducting analysis and producing visual reports for delivering insights for breeding, whether it is livestock or plant.

Luna is passionate in transferring data into business insights. She has a fierce passion for communicating data to different audience groups using personalised visuals and storytelling techniques.

Originally from China and having finished her post graduate study and early career in the US, Luna prides herself on having an open and curious mind and is excited about her role in improving global agriculture.

Luna is a fan of arts. She is not shy in trying new art activities. She makes drawings and paintings plays violin in her spare time and. You may find her in some collegiate orchestra concerts or even fringe festival concerts.

Luna’s focus within Abacusbio is:

  • Develop web apps for consultants and clients to run index selection and trait prioritisation analysis
  • Develop statistical and machine learning models and pipelines for phenotype analysis
  • Develop genomic/genetic models and run breeding value evaluations using single-step GBLUP software
  • Convert selection index theory to statistical models and analysis scripts

Luna’s Career Highlights include:

  • Luna developed many web apps to automate analysis and generate reports. The index testing app is widely used by both consultants and clients and has attracted attention on WCGALP in 2022.
  • Her work with Dr Peter Amer on weighted selection index emphasis has been adopted by USDA and has been considered by New Zealand, Irish and Australian companies.
  • She published 5 papers since 2019 covering topics of selection index theory and methane emissions.

美国佐治亚州立大学动物遗传育种博士,美国俄亥俄州立大学动物遗传育种硕士,中国农业大学动物科学技术学士。AbacusBio中国市场经理。主要领域为经济选择指数的应用、基因组育种、遗传评估、混合模型、育种流水软件开发、机器学习和生物信息。与Peter Amer博士合作发明了选择指数的分组加权比重,被美国国家农业部奶牛育种采用。读博期间发表了single-step GBLUP的加权算法,被各国育种产业广泛采用。


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