Services Overview

AbacusBio is home to a team of expert quantitative plant and animal geneticists, economic strategists, and data scientists. Industry non-profits in the developing world, to multinational agribusinesses and seed companies rely on us for everything from genetic and genomic evaluation to selection index creation to help them level up their operations — and tap into the future state of breeding plants and animals.

With our Strategy + Value Chain services, you get the scientific perspective you need, so you can make sense of the data you collect. Some organizations simply lack internal capacity in genetics, data science, and agronomics. Others seek an independent, strategic perspective on what the next steps should be their agri-business initiative.

Launching a brand-new breeding programme or improving an existing one? You want to be certain your investment pays off. We create custom strategies based on where you’re at, and the resources you have available. We take the guesswork out of what to do next and recommend changes and tech advancements that prepare you for the future. Breeding programme design can cover everything from the breeding objective needs and phenotyping plan to database needs, reference population design, and genomic evaluation needs.

You don’t have a crystal ball, but our simulation and modelling services are the next best thing. Unlock the full potential of your breeding programme using advanced analytics and predictive modelling to explore the potential of novel breeding strategies (like gene editing, introgression, IVF/ET), genomic technologies or more data (e.g., new trait phenotypes), or dissemination of improved genetics through wider adoption. Explore a brand-new breeding programme targeting a new species. Customised to your needs, simulations help identify future breeding programme opportunities and increase confidence in decision making.

A sometimes-ill-defined aspect, breeding schemes play a part in identifying elite individuals and stabilising rates of genetic gain. This results in better outputs. We’ll help you navigate to the best tools and methods to ensure your resources are optimised, along with your programme size, data generation plans, parents used, crosses made, and progeny produced.

Tim Byrne

Tim Byrne

Breeding Strategy Expert

Simultaneously improving multiple traits, while balancing economic and environmental outcomes is within reach. But there is some groundwork to be done by breeding programmes hoping to reap the benefits of trait prioritisation/selection indexes. What is that groundwork? In what order should it be done? How far away is your breeding programme from implementing data-driven selection indexes? AbacusBio has been at the forefront of selection indexes for over 20 years. We’ve designed a cost-efficient readiness programme to answer those exact questions and more, while providing advice specific to the phase you’re at in your breeding programme.

We are experts in trait prioritisation and are known for improving our clients’ outcomes with complete breeding objective and selection index solutions. Whether your priorities are profit, environmental, social, or a combination of outcomes, you can be confident your breeding decisions are meeting the needs of the market. Our data-driven approach makes it easy to demonstrate the ‘why’ behind breeding decisions and forecast and track the impact of genetic improvement over time.

How do AbacusBio selection indexes work?
Get FREE unlimited access to IndexSim app
More information here

One of the primary tasks of any breeding program is to advance candidates based on the breeder’s best estimate of genetic merit. The method employed in ranking candidates is key in determining the commercial success of those candidates. Does your selection strategy respond directly to complex market dynamics and the needs of stakeholders?

IndexSim provides a simplified, but interactive view of how an AbacusBio selection index could change the way your breeding program thinks about genetic gain.

Get it FREE here

Bruno Santos

Bruno Santos

Trait Prioritisation Expert


Variance component estimation helps to break down and quantify the various sources of complex genetic and environmental variability. Using this method, AbacusBio can help you understand the contributions of genetic factors to trait variation, eliminate ambiguity surrounding trait heritability, and maximise genetic gain. By customising our analysis to your specific breeding goals, you can optimize resource allocation and ensure your breeding programme is best equipped to address the full breadth of trait improvement requirements. We simplify complex data handling, making it accessible to breeders of all levels of expertise.

In an ever-changing environment, having a method that enables our clients to develop products that perform well across various environmental conditions is essential. AbacusBio takes the guesswork out of the complex statistical models that breeding pipelines require. GxE analyses helps breeding organisations get ahead of the game by tailoring breeding strategies for specific environments, detecting candidates with consistent performance across environments and candidates that have high performance in specific environments.

Genetic evaluation creation is the foundation for genetic improvement. But there are building blocks required before a genetic evaluation is possible. Getting the required phenotypes, pedigree, and genomic data in the right format and at the right scale will determine the start point for your genetic evaluation. In what order should you do things, should you do it in house or outsource, and what software to use? We’ve designed a readiness programme to guide you through the process, and tailor our advice to the phase you’re at in your breeding programme.

Transform the way you approach genetic improvement with our genetic evaluation services. AbacusBio builds comprehensive genetic evaluation pipelines tailored to the unique needs of any animal and plant breeding industry. We tailor our approach, depending on the data you have available, the most appropriate models and software to analyse that data. Rates of genetic improvement can be expedited with data-driven selection decisions, removing the risks associated subjective selection. Our expert team offers expertise on data collection, processing, and analysis, enabling our clients to effectively standardise their breeding approach across species, geographies, and production systems.

AbacusBio takes the work out of routinely calculating Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) off your shoulders. We can design (see other sections) and run routine genomic evaluation pipelines that meet your needs in terms of timeliness, routine validation, information requirements and selection cycles. Our expertise ensures that your genetic evaluation is overseen by the best, while you get on with independently making informed breeding decisions with confidence.

An experienced partner, AbacusBio has been validating models for organisations of all shapes and sizes for decades. We offer independent solutions for the validation of genetic/genomic models for both animal and plant breeding. Using rigorous testing and data analysis to evaluate the bias, accuracy, and predictive ability of your models, we enable breeding organisations to make more precise and informed decisions. Make sure your models are doing what they are designed to do!

Kat Stachwicz

Katarzyna Stachowicz

Genetic Evaluation Expert


AbacusBio wants you to benefit from the power of genomics. Genomics can accelerate breeding cycles, improve selection accuracy, increase genetic gain, and increase profitability through identifying high-performing agricultural products. Our experienced geneticists can build strategies and design robust frameworks that leverage advanced genomic technologies, to optimise your breeding programmes and to ensure your investment in genomics is demonstrating a high rate of return.

Genomics has transformed plant and animal breeding. But it is not without challenges: the need for infrastructure, technology, specialised expertise, integration with phenotypic data, lack of reference panels, and cost of genotyping are just a few. To ensure efficient use of resources, AbacusBio can assess your readiness to integrate genomics into your breeding programme and create a custom roadmap, detailing your steps towards a genomics-driven future.

Transform the way you approach genetic improvement with our genomic evaluation services. AbacusBio builds comprehensive genomic evaluation pipelines tailored to the unique needs of any animal and plant breeding industry. We tailor our approach, depending on the data you have available, the most appropriate models and software to analyse that data. Rates of genetic improvement can be expedited with data-driven selection decisions, removing the risks associated subjective selection. Our expert team offers expertise on data collection, processing, and analysis, enabling our clients to effectively standardise their breeding approach across species, geographies, and production systems.

AbacusBio takes the work out of routinely calculating Genomic Estimated Breeding Values (GEBVs) off your shoulders. We can design (see other sections) and run routine genomic evaluation pipelines that meet your needs in terms of timeliness, routine validation, information requirements and selection cycles. Our expertise ensures that your genetic evaluation is overseen by the best, while you get on with independently making informed breeding decisions with confidence.

Built and ready for customisation – Our cross-prediction pipeline allows you to predict the performance of breeding candidates when crossed as parents, before you invest in costly breeding activities. Therefore, you can focus time and resources on the most promising crosses.

High-performing hybrids don’t happen overnight, but our hybrid prediction pipeline can get you there faster. Like our cross-prediction service, our hybrid-prediction pipeline is ready to be tailored to your needs. We help identify the best parental combinations for creating hybrid crops before you allocate time and resources to breeding activities.

Leticia Lara

Leticia Lara

Genomic Evaluation Expert

Selecting candidates to maximise genetic progress. Sometimes it is straight forward. Other times you must think more creatively. Optimal contribution selection can help manage the mating challenges created by small populations, balance merit with genetic diversity without outside genetics, and manage restraints such as recessive genetic disorders. There is also an option to engage the use of our AniMate app which helps breeders by providing precise mate allocations, ensuring that you focus on the most promising genetic lines.

Fiona Hely

Fiona Hely

Selection and Mating Expert

The constant flow of phenotypic data is a cornerstone of any breeding programme. Unfortunately, data can be expensive and time-consuming to collect. It can be lost or mislabelled or decentralised – existing as a mix of hand-written notes and random spreadsheets. At AbacusBio, we create tailored practical solutions to maximize data throughput within your budget. We can also assist with data tracking and centralization tasks using Dtreo and Gemview or build a custom database solution.

There are a LOT of genotyping/ sequencing options out there. You might even be considering the possibility of an in-house option? Whether it’s simple marker-assisted selection, or genomic prediction in an autopolyploid species, AbacusBio can provide clarity by helping you select the best genotyping technology and examine the provider options based on your short and long-term goals.

You have an abundance of data. Yet, not enough time or resources to quickly translate the data into usable insights. AbacusBio consultants can provide support by doing genome assembly, variant calling, LD analysis, population structure analysis, linkage mapping, association mapping, differential expression, and candidate gene mining. Outcomes may include reduced pressure on your team, report generation, training, the creation of a repeatable analysis pipeline.

AbacusBio is experienced in developing statistically sound experimental designs that answer key research questions. With experience in numerous species and programme structures, we can identify the specific design and analysis that fits the unique situation. We are also capable of analysing the trade-off between experiment size and data quality to scale experiments appropriately, ensuring your resources and time are maximised.

Jude Sise

Jude Sise

Data Strategy Expert

Harness the power of advanced genetic analytics to improve the assessment of your breeding programmes’ performance. Our genetic trend calculation service plots the value of traits and indexes over time, providing you with a quantification of economic and environmental impacts.

A genetic diversity strategy ensures the correct steps are taken to safeguard key traits, while enhancing diversity. Understanding your populations, combined with a bespoke diversity strategy ensures proactive combating of genetic homogeneity, promotion of adaptability, and long-term sustainability of your breeding programme.

Wouldn’t it be great to understand if future benefits of a breeding programme or novel technologies are likely to exceed up-front costs? An independent entity, AbacusBio can shed light on how implementing genomics, adding new traits, or updating trait priorities manifest over time. We can account for expression, adoption, and population structure. Impact assessments can improve your access to funding or create a better understanding of the value of your breeding programme, relative to the cost.

Sam Harburg

Sam Harburg

Programme Evaluation Expert

Navigate the ever-evolving landscape of genetic improvement with our Market Readiness service. We provide an in-depth analysis of current market trends, demand, and regulatory requirements to ensure your genetic advancements align seamlessly with market expectations. We will bring order to uncertainty in market dynamics, empowering you to make informed decisions, positioning your organization for maximum impact and success.

Harness the power of data-driven insights. Above and beyond understanding consumer preferences, market gaps, and emerging trends – our surveys are uniquely tailored to account for the human element – what matters to people. Faced with limited market understanding, our surveys enable you to align your genetic improvement initiatives with the demands of your target audience, ensuring a competitive edge in the market.

The field of plant and animal genetics is rapidly evolving, and so should you. Anticipate the future of genetic improvement with the help of AbacusBio.
We’ll help you stay ahead of the curve by identifying emerging technologies, scientific breakthroughs, and industry trends to advance your business and genetic improvement strategies.

Before embarking on an agri-improvement project, protect your investment by laying the proper groundwork. AbacusBio can act as an independent assessor of practicality, viability, and potential challenges associated with your initiative. Our feasibility studies increase confidence in decision making.

Tom Kirk

Tom Kirk

Market Assessments Expert

Many exciting agri-innovations get their start from philanthropic organisations. What happens when the funding runs out? Transitioning from a funded to commercial model requires a multifaceted approach which considers market readiness, quantification of your offering, and the needs of would-be customers. AbacusBio will work alongside you and build a roadmap to commercial sustainability.

Craft a compelling narrative for your agri-initiatives. Backed by years of experience and verifiable numbers, AbacusBio will work closely with you to secure internal buy-in, funding, external partnerships, and stakeholder support. Your value proposition and long-term vision are converted into comprehensive business plans that outline the strategic goals, financial projections, and market positioning of your genetic improvement projects.

Maximize the potential of your genetic improvement projects by developing a robust case for investment. Whether you are seeking funding from investors, government agencies, or other stakeholders, we can highlight the financial viability, risk mitigation strategies, and quantify and forecast potential returns of your genetic improvement initiatives.

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Sam Harburg

Strategy + Value Chain Expert

Water quality and quantity, climate change, natural disasters, GhG emissions, land use change, productivity, farm practices and livestock production, farm profitability, biosecurity, new technologies, market analysis. There are countless things to consider when understanding the impacts of changes on farming operations – AbacusBio consultants provide rigorous Farm Systems and Economic analysis and advice, underpinned by on-farm knowledge and real world experiences.


Climate change

Business Risks

Market Analysis

Matthew Newman

Farm Systems Expert

“AbacusBio knows what we need”

“AbacusBio are really good at grasping what it is we need out of a project. And they take the initiative on day-to-day work, which is really helpful.”

Kim Matthews

Head of Animal Breeding & Product Quality, ADHB

“Great project management”

“I really like the way that AbacusBio manage projects and break things down into usable chunks.”

Brian Gardunia

Head of Cotton Product Design, Bayer

Does this sound familiar?

Even the day-to-day delivery of your work involves some complex stuff happening in the background. But to many people outside your domain, it looks quite simple. 

To prepare your organization for the future, you need a reliable partner who understands what you’re dealing with — and what you could be doing better. A partner with expertise in genetics, evaluating genetic data, and turning science into solid business outcomes. Someone who is independent and can explain your scientific strategy to the stakeholders you need to buy into it. 

With AbacusBio, you have access to that uniquely valuable combination of agri-science and business acumen. We use it to serve our clients every day. You benefit from the experience our consultants have gained in dozens of projects spanning decades and continents.

agri-tech impact assessment

Dr Cheryl Quinton and Megan McCall evaluating the impact of new technologies for investment decision making

Let us solve your agriculture
+ business puzzle

We are moving!


From 21st October you can find us at:

Level 5

Cargill House

333 Princes Street

Dunedin | 9016 | NZ

We look forward to welcoming you at our new location!