Software Development
In an era where technology has a sometimes antagonistic relationship with nature, it cannot be underestimated how the application of advanced software in agriculture and genetics is revolutionising how we understand and cultivate life. From predictive analytics for crop yields to genome editing tools that enhance livestock resilience, the digital age offers unprecedented opportunities to optimise efficiency and sustainability in our food systems. Let’s explore how cutting-edge software is transforming the future of agriculture and genetics.
Some of our favourite apps
Dtreo, our flexible, cloud-based recording and analytics system is designed to support breeding programs by creating insights and information from performance data for any livestock species. The platform is suitable for various scales of operation, from single farms and integrated value chains to national programs and can be customized to meet specific needs.
The system is intuitive and user-friendly, focusing on smart analytics and visuals to help the decision-making process. In the background, Dtreo allows for:
- data entry that aligns with real-world activities in the field
- integration with existing data sources, recording practices, and analytical tools
- a web-based interface that enables users to access, explore, and manipulate their data from any device and location, including an off-line data capturing feature for challenging situations!
Dtreo ensures that data is safe, secure, and accessible, providing a robust solution for optimizing the connection between your breeding strategy and your livestock operation.
Contact us for a free demo! Dtreo

Food for thought
Optimising efficiency and sustainability in our food systems is not a one-person, or even a one-company job, there are great resources available, below are just a few we’ve come across recently: – Designed by farmers in New Zealand with the focus of solving on-farm challenges, tracking everything from tasks to timesheets
AlphaSimR – Stochastic simulations of plant and animal breeding programmes. If code isn’t your specialty, AbacusBio can help you see your future breeding programme by leveraging the power of AlphaSimR
GridScore – This is a field trial phenotyping app for trait data
Croppie – AI-assisted coffee yield estimation
ICAR Update
Another exciting Interbull / ICAR is behind us, and AbacusBio were on site to connect with fellow scientists while showcasing initiatives they have been working on.

These ranged from:
– People and sustainability (Caeli Richardson)
– Single-step evaluation (Katarzyna Stachowicz)
– R Shiny app for validating genetic and genomic EBV (Ee Cheng Ooi)
If you didn’t catch them at the conference, feel free to reach out here and we’ll connect you with the right person!
Upcoming conferences
Beef and Lamb Sheep Breeders Forum
Dr Neville Jopson is attending the Beef and Lamb Sheep Breeders Forum in Christchurch at the beginning of July.
American Dairy Science Association meeting
Dr Doug Bjelland is attending the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) annual meeting and conference held in Florida.
National Association for Plant Breeding (NAPB)
Dr Kathryn Grant and Dr Mason Chizk will be attending the National Association for Plant Breeding Conference in St Louis in July.
Want to connect in person? Feel free to connect via LinkedIn to schedule a meeting.