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Some of our favourite apps Dtreo: Dtreo, our flexible, cloud-based recording and analytics system is designed to support breeding programs by creating insights and information from performance data for any livestock species. The platform is suitable for various scales of operation, from single farms and integrated value chains to national programs and can be customized …

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Projects we are working on: Sustainability is at the forefront AbacusBio projects. Here are two shining examples of how international collaboration and interdisciplinary innovation have to be at the centre of our future:

Illumina Abacusbio Team
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In 2023, AbacusBio moved rapidly forward on a deliberate journey to reshape our business, aligning it more closely with the evolving needs of our clients. In our world characterized by constant change, we remain steadfast in our commitment to embracing and leveraging change as a catalyst for growth. The work we do has helped our …

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Case Studies AbacusBio has partnered with several organizations in developing countries, offering expertise on trait prioritization, bioeconomic valuation, and product profile development for staple food crops. This includes work with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and the Tanzanian Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) to understand rice stakeholder prioritization and conduct bio-economic modelling. We have also …

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Website Landscape News (2)
Peter Amer
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Following a successful year of collaboration, AbacusBio and Bayer have agreed to expand their partnership in the area of predictive plant breeding. This marks AbacusBio’s largest collaboration to date, which is anticipated to have a far-reaching impact along numerous crop supply chains. As part of this multi-year collaboration, the companies will work together to incorporate AbacusBio’s leading expertise in prioritisation and valuation of crop attributes to advance Bayer’s products that deliver grower, market, and …

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