Nathalie Howes

Natalie Howes PhD


An agile, commercially minded Agribusiness Consultant with qualifications in multi-disciplinary research. Natalie has been employed within AbacusBio for over 10 years, including supporting AbacusBio’s global expansion into two continents. Her role spans operational support, key account management, and project management for a portfolio of clients across academia, industry, and government. Natalie brings technical skills in genetic improvement strategy, analysis, and application, as well as capabilities in impact assessment and modelling, including applications for greenhouse gas mitigation. Originating from a multi-generation beef seedstock farm and then corporate scale dairy farming in New Zealand, Natalie brings a foundation of practical knowledge that helps guide her considerations of stakeholders within the food and fiber sectors.

Projects involved in:
  • Project co-lead for ‘PigBoost’, an Innovate UK and DFID funded project aimed at transforming the smallholder pig industry in Uganda.
  • Genetic improvement strategy for UK sheep and beef.
  • Impact assessment of GHG interventions for the Australian red meat sector.
  • Project lead for developing a genetics GHG tool for Canadian beef, funded by Impact Canada.
  • Genomic impact modelling for the Irish dairy industry.