The opportunities presented to Natalie while growing up on-farm in the sheep, beef, and dairy industries, is what motivates Natalie to deliver impact to the agricultural sector. With an affable personality and grassroots core, Natalie works closely with clients to strategically apply scientific principles that deliver commercially relevant solutions.

While based in AbacusBio’s Dunedin office, Natalie completed her PhD at the University of Otago from 2013 and then joined the Edinburgh team after graduating in 2017. Natalie applies a multi-disciplinary approach towards her work at AbacusBio. Her practical hands-on knowledge in plant science, agronomy, animal production, and meat science provide a unique lens of assessing a whole farm system and the wider value chain. Lifelong involvement in the agricultural industry and experience in various parts of the supply chain have been integral to Natalie’s ability to relate to the needs of different stakeholders in the industry.

Natalie’s career highlights include:

  • Completing her PhD on the PGP Omega Lamb Program. Natalie valued the opportunity to be involved with a large team to produce a high value niche product that is underpinned by 10 years of science.
  • Moving to the UK to work for AbacusBio International, where as an early-stage research consultant, Natalie has been fortunate to diversify her skillset in genetic improvement, market analysis, business development, and project management.
Her focus within AbacusBio is:
  • Genetic improvement
  • Farm systems
  • Market analysis
  • Project management
Projects involved in:
  • Scientific investigation into farm systems and biological principles underpinning The Omega Lamb Project, funded by PGP, which was used to develop a niche high value lamb product.
  • Project lead for ‘PigBoost’, an Innovate UK managed and DFID funded project aimed at transforming the smallholder pig industry in Uganda.
  • Selection index modelling and business case development, funded by DEFRA UK, for the UK sheep industry.
  • Market analysis for novel diagnostic tools in dairy cattle, funded by BBSRC on behalf of The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh.

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