Simon is a practical person full of ideas and the passion to work with farmers. As a farm consultant at AbacusBio, Simon finds great satisfaction in advising and helping farmers succeed in making their farm systems more practical and efficient.

Drawing on his science-based skills and practical experience, Simon’s own mixed system farming background has given him invaluable insight into the practical realities of sheep, beef, and dairy industries in New Zealand. He is able to help you understand why different farms are achieving production or profit outcomes, and how you can achieve your long-term personal and financial aspirations.

His focus within AbacusBio is:

  • Farm consulting
    • Grazing management
    • Feed planning
    • Enterprise evaluation
  • Facilitation of farm discussion groups and industry teams
  • Evaluation of new technologies for agriculture
  • Project management
Projects involved in:
  • B+LNZ Beef Profit Partnership
  • B+LNZ Innovation Farms
  • Is it a bird, is it a plane?
  • Farm System Review
  • RMPP subject matter specialists
  • RMPP action groups
  • Genomics for farmers
  • Red Meat Profit Partnership

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