Project Type: Case Studies
In 2020, AbacusBio upgraded one of its most useful shiny apps – the Index Testing App. An Index is a tool used by those managing a breeding program to identify and select plants or animals. Those that score highly for the Index might be selected. Those that score poorly, may not be selected. The app …
Saudi Arabia is the heart of the Arab and Islamic worlds, a geographical hub connecting three continents. Farmers in the middle east face the challenge of feeding a growing population, scarce freshwater sources, and constraints in growing forages and feed. The local sheep and goats are well adapted to living in very harsh conditions having …
Established in 2001 seedEnergy engage in production and delivery of genetically improved seeds for plantation forests, internationally. Powered by AbacusBio, Gemnetics has been working alongside clients worldwide to manage breeding data more efficiently, to enhance gains. Gemview, created by Gemnetics is an online cloud-based platform that allows breeders anywhere in the world to utilise multiple …
The British Texel Sheep Society (BTSS) is a charitable company ltd by guarantee with a range of purposes that include the provision of genetic improvement services to over 2300 breeders. The society collates and supplies resources to manage, measure, and improve the Texel breed in the UK. They have contracted AbacusBio for a variety of …
Food Security AbacusBio in collaboration with The Roslin Institute, Vetline Services and Makerere have developed a state-of-the-art decision support system. This system not only enables real-time monitoring to improve animal performance, genetic selection, and disease management but also links farmer cooperatives, veterinarian extension services, and ultimately the market transforming the industry. It aims to provide …
Breeding for Environmental Traits The Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF), exists to benefit farmers in the Irish dairy and beef industry. A non-profit organisation, it provides breeding information services, and supports the application of science and technology to increase livestock value and profit. ABP Food group are responsible for processing beef and dairy cattle carcasses, …
Breeding for Environmental Traits The National Breeding Objective (NBO) in New Zealand is to breed dairy cows that are able to efficiently convert feed into profit. Breeding Worth (BW) is the index that is used to rank cows and bulls according to their ability to meet this objective. However conventional genetic progress for traits in …
Industry Review AHDB Beef and Lamb; formerly known as EBLEX, is the organisation for beef and lamb tax payers (levy payers) in England. Aiming to prioritise and enhance profitability and sustainability in the dairy sector, it supports optimisation of supply chains, and adding value to the industry. Investment in genetic improvement of cattle and sheep …
AbacusBio consultants worked with DairyNZ, and other research partners as part of the MBIE Pillars of sustainable diary system research program AbacusBio consultants worked with DairyNZ, and other research partners as part of the MBIE Pillars of sustainable diary system research program, to assess how well the fertility breeding value could improve heard reproductive performance. …
AbacusBio consultants Dr Peter Amer and Fiona Hely worked with the ICBF to develop an index for dairy farmers to rank beef buffs most likely to convert to dairy The Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF), exists to benefit farmers in the Irish dairy and beef industry. A non profit organisation, it provides breeding information services, …
By working together with the technical Gemnetics team and matching the operation of the breeding program with the company’s strategic R&D approach and efficiency of production, it allowed NBPOL to answer important questions on performance of the germplasm and quality attributes. All Gemview users can easily screen traits recorded on all breeding trials of the …
Product Development from Data AbacusBio’s involvement in the economic analysis of the farm system ensured lamb supply was financially viable at the farm level. AbacusBio assisted with funding applications, which resulted in the collaboration receiving NZ$25M of combined industry and government funding for seven years with estimated potential economic benefits to New Zealand being up …
Polish Dairy Industry Selection Index AbacusBio have recently worked with the Centre for Genetics at the Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers to create an economic selection index. This index was customised specifically for the needs and requirements of Polish Dairy Farmers. The Centre for Genetics provides genetic analysis to optimize breeding of …
NZKS Aquaculture Genetic Improvement Programmes NZ King Salmon Co. is the worlds major supplier, producing over half of the worlds supply. AbacusBio worked with NZ King Salmon Co. To successfully launch a new web application that transforms data systems and aquaculture management to a whole new level, as part of the companies breeding programme.
Supply Chain Optimisation AbacusBio has worked with JBS Swift for 15 years and continues to provide ongoing mining and analysis of JBS Swift’s data to provide an understanding of the performance of cattle from individual vendors and enable control over inventory. JBS Swift can make better purchasing decisions, predict the future performance of cattle currently …
Green Milk Project AbacusBio have been part of a joint industry working group to look at genetic mitigation strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from dairy cows. The working group aimed to steer New Zealand’s dairy industry towards a reduction in overall industry greenhouse gas emissions without compromising product value.
Genetic Improvement Solutions DataGene is an independent and industryowned national organisation responsible for driving genetic gain and herd improvement in the Australian dairy industry. They manage a highly-developed infrastructure and system for recording and evaluating the performance of farmed dairy livestock, which combines the application of biological science, information technology, advanced statistical methods, and economic …
Genetic Impact Assessment Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), the Australian Government, and others in the MLA animal genetics & genomics RD&E ‘program’ make investments in genetic and genomic technology to improve productive traits in livestock (meat and wool sheep, and beef). Meat and Livestock Australia needed to understand the return generated from their investment over …
This app supported deer farmers to set and monitor the liveweights of replacement hinds with the objective of improving R2 hind fertility Low reproduction rates in poorly grown rising 2 year old (R2) hinds are a lost opportunity for farmers, hence the app has been designed to maximise reproduction rates.
AbacusBio consultants have been working to expand the existing community based breeding programme (CBBP) for small ruminants in Africa. The CBBP project aims to improve livelihoods of small holding sheep and goat farmers by implementing sustainable breeding schemes. One of the biggest challenges for the small ruminant industries in Ethiopia and Tanzania is low productivity …
Several industry organisations from different countries, working together, needed to evaluate and quantify the impact of new technologies, for investment decision making. The client also wanted to understand how the benefits of these new technologies would be distributed across the supply chain. AbacusBio partnered with these organistions and modelled the impact each technology was likely …
American Angus Trait Prioritisation and Breeding Objectives AbacusBio have recently collaborated with Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) – a division of the American Angus Association (AAA) to develop and update their index system which was created in 2004. The index combines economic production values and trait genetic relationships to describe cattle genetics in terms of their …